Wednesday 28 October 2020

Samoan Art Form Questions

 Samoan Art Forms Questions

Please read the article on Samoa here before answering the questions.

1) Today we are learning about art forms from:

a) Samoan b) Tongan

c) Fijian d) Niuean

2) What are the three art forms you learned about in the text?

a) Tatau b) Painting

c) Siapo d) Ie Toga

3) How many islands make up Samoa in total?

a) 2 b) 8

c) 7 c) 3

i) What is the capital city of Samoa?

→ Apia

4) Where does a male tatau (Pe’a / Malofie) start from?

a) The upper thigh b) The shoulders

c) The torso d) The ankles

5) What is the name of the tree which ink was collected from for tatau?

→ Candlenut tree or lama

6) Why do you have to be careful of the ink?

→ Because the seeds that are made within the ink is toxic

7) From what tree is the material for siapo made? 

a) Candlewood b) Mulberry

c) Blood tree d) Lipstick Tree

8) Describe what an ie Toga is:

→ An ie Tonga is a woven mat that is seen as a treasure!

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