Wednesday 14 October 2020

Holiday recount

 Holiday Memory Recount

Something that happened in the holidays


First, Then, Next, After, Finally, Lastly, Later

Topic: What we did on my cousin’s birthday

Introduction : These holidays I had the best experience ever, it was so fun. We went to the movies! We went to the movies because it was my cousin's birthday and it was so fun.

Planning Space:

Body P1

I get ready and go to my cousin house

Body P2

What we did in the cinema

Body P3

What happened after the cinema

Start Writing Here: 

Introduction: These holidays I had the best experience ever, it was so fun. We went to the movies! We went to the movies because it was my cousin's birthday and it was so lively.

On the 2nd last week on Wednesday we went to the movies and it was so fun. First, I had to wake up in the morning and get ready. I just put on a pair of jeans and a fluffy warm jacket because it’s always cold in the cinemas. Secondly, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Then, I went downstairs to have breakfast and we were off to my cousins house. When my dad and I got there my cousin, her little sister and another annoying cousin left straight away.  

We were going to the cinemas in Westfield across from rainbows end. When we got to Westfield, since my cousin fractured her leg she was forced to go in a wheelchair. But when we got to Westfield my cousin's mom found a parking spot that was closer to get into the shopping centre. So she didn’t have to take her wheelchair anymore ( I think she was embarrassed to be honest). We’re in the cinemas and we waited in the line to get our tickets, we were watching a movie called ‘The war with Grandpa’, it’s really funny. I reccomend you watch it. While we get our tickets my aunty thought it would be nice to get some popcorn and mini donuts to go with our lollies my aunty bought. 

Finally, we are waiting for the movie to come on. And when the time hit 12:00 the lights turned down low and all my cousins and I were so excited. Her mom started passing out our lollies. It was only meant to be me and my cousin getting lollies but then her little sister started being fussy and started crying. 

The movie was so cool and fun. We then head out of the theatre and take the elevator downstairs because my cousin can’t walk properly down the stairs because she has crutchers. We then hop in the car and head to Mcdonalds, and get some slushies. All of us got the same flavor, Rasberry. After that, we headed back to my cousin’s house so happy since we went to the movies. 

Conclusion: It was really fun and lively. I can’t wait to go to the movies again!!!

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