Wednesday 21 October 2020

Sad Moment Recount T4 (my story is not really sad but yea)

 Sad Moment RecountInside Out | Costume Playbook - Cosplay & Halloween ideas

WALT: recount a personal experience using correct sentence punctuation and sentences which make sense to the reader.

Paragraph starters


Body Paragraph 1

Body Paragraph 2

Body Paragraph 3


A really sad moment was when….

This one time I ….. and it made me so sad! 


It all started when….


After that…

Next thing I knew...


At the end of it all…


Overall I…

It was such a sad day and I’ll never forget it.

It was possibly the worst day ever.


Body Paragraph 1 

In the beginning

Body Paragraph 2

In the middle

Body Paragraph 3

At the end

I had to clean after school and didn’t even get a rest!!

I tried begging my mom if I couldn’t clean but she still made me clean

Finally we finished cleaning and got to relax

Start below

> Ughhhh, why do I have to clean a lot, I always have to clean and it’s so annoying. I do my chores and then hope that I’m FINISHED! I got to my mum and asked her if I was finished cleaning. I did the dishes, I dried them and I did the whole room!! No she says, bruhhh I always clean for you!!!! 

I then do the lunge and vacuum the whole house and then  go downstairs to help my mum. Downstairs I help make the beds, sweep the floor and vacuum it. I then hope when I ask my mum for a rest she will say yes. Guess what she said, NO!! “But I did so many things for you today”, I said. “I don’t care, you still got to help me!!”, she said. UGH! Just straight UGH in her face!!!!! 

I then finished helping her and asked again can I Go now and have a rest and play some games, and then she FINALLY said yes you can. I was so happy, because I always clean for her and do her mess but it’s ok, she just needs help that's why.

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