Thursday 8 July 2021

Our guideline Ideas

 Our guideline Ideas !

Talk about:

Guideline ideas for great science 

Learning together


Taking part in activities

Getting involved in things

*Team work

Let other people share their ideas

Let people have their part

*One talker at a time

Let only one person talk

Dont let too many people talk or it will be confusing!


Dont ignore the person

Respond on time


*Be responsdible

Be organised

Take care of equipment

Tidy up afer your done with your stuff

Follow instructions 

*Taking care of our community

You can take care of our community/enviroment by not littering

Pick up rubbish

Throw your rubbish in the bin!


Share your money with the homeless

Share your food with some of your classmates if they don’t have food!

Facts I KNOW about Science 

In science you can identify things that are not alive! (as in extinct animals)

The solar system is science

There are 8 planets in our solar system

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