Friday 19 March 2021

Attitude Talk- Who am I?

 Today we had an attitude talk with Jana, our attitude talk teacher! Today we learnt about ourselves.

And learnt our own personalities. This was how our personalities were explained, Up on the screen

were 4 animals, an Otter, Lion, Golden retriever and Beaver. The otter represented an entertainer like,

a class clown and a person who laughs at someone, something like a comedian. A Lion represents a

Leader, a person who leads everyone around and instructs them! A Golden retriever is a person who is

kind and a person you would want to be there if you like, falling off a staircase or being in the hospital

I guess. A beaver represents a facilitator , a person who works hard and a person who does their work

all at once. Here are some pictures that a teacher took.

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