Monday 16 November 2020

Monday: Response to Text

 Hawaiian History: 

Highlight the correct answers

About Hawaii:

1. Hawaii has eight main islands - which one is not part of Hawaii?

a) Niʻihau b) Kauaʻi

c) Oʻahu d) Savai’i

2. What is the capital of Hawaii?

a) Wellington b) Maui

c) Honolulu d)  Moloka’i

3. Native Hawaii before and after European contact produces?

a) petroglyphs b) wood and stone carvings 

c) siapo d) kapa

4. The designed feather cape or helmet is solely for?

a) teachers b) alii

c) kings d) chiefs

5. Kia manu would collect incredible --------------------?

a) 20,000 birds b) feathers

c) hair d) chicken feet

6. True or False: Kapa is made from colourful dyes ?

a) True b) False

7. By using wauke or paper mulberry plant they ---------- to form a Kapa? 

  1. clean b) buy

  2. beat d) hammer

8. Sculpting in Hawaii they use ------------?

a) bone b) stone

c) wood d) teeth

9. A hand-tapping needle piercing the skin is used for traditional Hawaiian Tattoo?

a) True b) False

10. What is one of the processes of Kapa?

→You have to beat the formation of Kapa on a piece of wood….

4 Facts Hawaiian History- Monday


Wednesday 11 November 2020

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Wednesday: Response to Text

 Tongan Art and Artists: 

Highlight the correct answers

Sulieti Fiemea-Burrows:

1. What type of art does Sulieti Fiemea-Burrows do?

a) kahoa kakala b) ngatu

c) ta’ovala d) carving

2. How did Sulieti learn how to be the artist she is?

a) it was a fluke b) she wanted to be famous

c) weren’t enough artists d) she watched her Mum growing up

3. Why does Sulieti want to teach others the art she does?

→So that the tradition doesn’t die in her island (country)

Sione Monu:

4. What type of artist is Sione Monu?

a) carving b) ngatu

c) koho d) ta’ovala

5. Where did Sione Monu get inspiration from?

a) ta’ovala b) old family photos from Tonga

c) kahoa kakala d) old family photos from Samoa

6. What is in Sione Monu’s exhibition?

Created a space for more workshops and talanoa in relation to the Tongan fine arts of nimamea’a tuikakala.

Tatafu Langi: 

7. Where did Tatafu Langi grow up?

a) Tonga b) Samoa

c) Niue d) Cook Islands

8. Where did Tatafu Langi move to?

a) UK b) USSR

c) USA d) United Kingdom

9. What type of artist is Tatafu Langi?

a) koho b) ta’ovala

c) ngatu d) carving

10. Name 3 different materials that Tatafu Langi carves with.

→Whale teeth, Cattle bone, ivory and koa wood.

4 Facts Tongan Art and Artists


Monday 2 November 2020

Writing about Tonga

 Alphabet Brainstorm


(Pg101, Sheena Cameron and Louise Dempsey, The Writing Book)

Watch the tourism movie about Tonga.

For each letter of the alphabet, write a sentence about Tonga which includes 1 descriptive word which starts with that letter. A has been done for you.


Tonga has an ancient village which shows how the people of Tonga used to live many years ago.


They were held together by a belt, which were ropes that were braided out of coconut husks. 


Tonga was then declared a constitutional monarchy.


Each island group makes them differently so it is easy to determine where someone is from by the look of your ta’ovala and kiekie.




Mats that are passed down from generation to generation often symbolized their social status, and often marked as signs of respect. 


For thousands of years, Tongans have been making handicrafts




Each island group makes them differently so it is easy to determine where someone is from by the look of your ta’ovala and kiekie.


The main island, Tongatapu, is protected by lagoons and limestone cliffs.


Women usually wear kiekie, which is a modified version of the males. 


One of the most known islands would be Tongatapu, while the capital city is Nuku’alofa


It is said that in earlier times, men who were coming from long trips overseas would cover themselves in these mats before visiting the chief of the village. 


They are used for many purposes, such as bedding and flooring, births, deaths, and weddings.



Mats that are passed down from generation to generation often symbolized their social status, and often marked as signs of respect. 


Mats that are passed down from generation to generation often symbolized their social status, and often marked as signs of respect. 


The story says that around 3000 years ago, Polynesians had settled in Tongatapu.


Tonga is a Polynesian kingdom of more than 170 South Pacific islands, many uninhabited, most lined in white beaches and coral reefs and covered with tropical rainforest.



They are used for many purposes, such as bedding and flooring, births, deaths, and weddings.




Silver - Multiplication

Monday: Response to Text

 Tongan History: 

Highlight the correct answers

About Tonga:

1. How many islands are said to be on Tonga?

a) 168 b) 169

c) 170 d) 171

2. Which of the following are not a group that Tonga was split into?

a) Vava’u b) Nuku’alofa

c) Ha’apai d) Tongatapu

3. What 2 languages are spoken in Tonga?

a) Tongan & English b) Tongan & Samoan

c) Tongan & German d) Tongan & Polynesian

Tongan History:

4. Where did the Polynesians settle 3000 years ago?

a) Nuku’alofa b) Ha’apai

c) Vava’u d) Tongatapu

5. Who brought the Tongans together to become one?

a) Queen Elizabeth b) King George V

c) Tāufa’āhau d) PM Pohiva

6. True or False: Tonga is the only country in the pacific to not give up their own government?

a) True b) False

Mat Weaving: 

7. What is used to weave the mats?

a) Modern technology b) Old Technology

c) Hands d) Broken down cars

8. What are mats worn around the waist called?

a) lavalava b) ta’ovala

c) ie d) mat

9. True or false: Woven mats passed down through generations symbolizes pride?

a) True b) False

10. How can you identify where people are from in Tonga?

Each island group makes them differently so it is easy to determine where someone is from by the look of your ta’ovala and kiekie.