Friday 18 March 2022

I am still blogging...

I am still blogging … 

but I’ve moved.

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Saturday 25 September 2021

The Dreadful Phoenix

 A dreadful Phoenix

The Phoenix was such a good creature to the land. It was until it got banished to the dark lands. The Phoenix was mad and felt miserable. The Phoenix wanted to get its revenge on the village. The Phoenix had told his story to the rest of the abandoned creatures in the dark lands. They wanted to get revenge too. So they made a plan to set a curse onto the land. They scheduled the day they were going to escape and do their plan. They decided to do it on the 31st of October. Since it was halloween and they would blend in. 

31st of October 

It was finally the 31st and they stuck to the plan they made. First one of the creatures was to distract the guards while the others snuck up behind them and knocked them out. They were uncarable and didn’t care about anything until they got their revenge.

 The Eagle chose to distract the guards. While he was distracting them, as stuck to the plan the others went behind them and knocked them out. Alarms were set off but thankfully they had enough time to escape. And to the village they went. They arrived and no one suspected a thing. And as stuck to the plan the phoenix pulled out the curse book. And started enchanting the words. “Set a curse to the land, as I will repay you in return.” he repeated that over and over again. As a huge circle circulated in the sky the phoenix started to laugh and when the process was finished he fled the scene and was never heard of again….. 

Thursday 16 September 2021

The Stubborn Mechanic

 The Stubborn Mechanic !

It was a very boring day for the mechanic. All he did all day was be stuck in that little working shop, fixing cars for people. He wanted to do something that he never got to do. He tried dancing, but that was too tiring. He tried bungee jumping, which was too frightening. He then thought of something that would be so fun to him! He wanted to go scuba diving, on the beach near his shop. He finished off the car he was fixing and closed down his shop. He then went to a Scuba diving shop near him. He went into the shop and said “Good morning”to the shopkeeper. He then went on his way looking through the shop for some new swimming gear. He only had $25 so he had to spen it wisely.. He spotted a nice swimming suit all in one. It was for 15 bucks. “Well this’ll  be good.” he said in a very deep voice. He went up to the register and paid for his $15 swimsuit. He walked out the shop and then went to Kmart to look for a pair of scuba-diving goggles and a snorkel pack, and some fins. All together it was $20, but the kmart people let him get away with it. It was only 10 bucks away anyways. After he was done paying for his stuff, he then went back home and got ready for his big day. He first put on his swimsuit, The swim suit covered his whole body. After that he headed down to the beach near him. There were actually rumors going around saying there was a huge shipwreck underwater so he went to borrow a boat off his friend anyway. Once he got there he saw other people were scuba diving too! He got his boat and got some people to help him drag it onto the beach. Once it was on the water, he got it running and other people asked if they could go with him too. He agreed and they went. But first he went back to his car and got his scuba-diving gear out, then he locked the car. After that he went running back to his boat, and he got in it and it started going and they were on their way to find that shipwreck! They were at the location it was meant to be. They all put on their snorkeling gear and they dived into the water. They got in there and it was absolutely beautiful down there. They saw all kinds of fish. He even saw the fish he wanted to see. And that fish was the Big mouth fish. They also saw other kinds of amazing fish. They continued scuba diving till they saw a huge rusty looking shipwreck. THEY’D FOUND IT! THEY FOUND THE MISSING SHIPWRECK EVERYONE WAS TRYING TO FIND ALL YEAR! Just imagine the money they would get for this. Well the person who spotted the ship was the mechanic so he would be getting all the money. He was willing to share his money with all the people that went scuba diving with him since he was getting 120 MILLION BUCKS! He gave them all 1 million each. That was 5 million bucks gone. It wasnt a big deal for him. After all that money he got he decided he wanted to upgrade his mechanic shop. He didn’t want to quit his job just because of the money he got, he didnt want to leave all his loyal friends behind. It was a very good day for him. So fun.

Tuesday 17 August 2021

Friday 13 August 2021



  1. What is pH?

  2. How do you measure pH?

  3. What is the scale pH is measured on?

  4. What pH level does water have? Is water acidic, basic, or neutral?

  5. What is the most acidic pH level?

  6. What is the most basic pH level?

  1. In chemistry, pH is a scale used to specify the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution

  2. The pH value can be measured using electrochemical measuring systems, litmus paper, or indicators and colorimeters. 

  3. pH is a measure of how acidic/basic water is. The range goes from 0 - 14, with 7 being neutral. 

  4. The most alkaline substances, such as lye, have a pH of 14.

  5. The scale has values ranging from zero (the most acidic) to 14 (the most basic). 

14 - (answer) 

Atom- simplest form of matter p- H = e - n = n - no  7=7e 7pt 7e= le

+1 (GE) ions charges atoms 

Acids -  have hydrogen ions


Bases- have hydroxide ion S0H- 

Equipments you need:

Well Plate 

pH strips/;litmus paper 

pH chart/table (1 to 14)



Baking soda 

Distilled water

Window cleaner

Toilet bowl cleaner

Lemon Juice 


Orange juice 

Apple juice 







Colour changes from?

(Litmus paper)



Orange Juice



Apple Juice











Lemon Juice




Toilet Cleaner


Baking Soda


Window Cleaner



Blue - Red

Red - Red   ( no effect)

In tech we learned about Acids and Bases. It was very hard.